Black seed is one of the oldest spices in the world that can bring benefits to the health of the human body. The oldest spice is in the form of small black grains and has been widely used by people in India, Pakistan, and the Middle East.
Black seed has been used as a medicinal herb since 2000-3000 BC. It is also known as a medicinal plant in the history of the early development of Islam. The history of the benefits of black seed has been multiplied by scientists including Ibn Sina and Ibn Qayyim and the results proved that it has various benefits for health and medicine.
Black Seed Oil
Black Seed Oil is said to treat acne and hair loss. This is because Black Seed oil contains vitamin A which is good to prevent acne problems and speed up the healing process on the skin. The use of Black Seed Oil on the hair can also help reduce the problem of hair loss and help re-thicken your hair.

Among the benefits of black seed is that it is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids, polyphenols and thymoquinone, carvacrol, t-anethole, and 4-terpineol. These antioxidants are good for fighting free radicals caused by pollution, sunlight, and chemicals. Based on studies, antioxidant activity can also protect cells and the body from damage.

Anti Cancer
Black Seed is rich in antioxidants such as vitamins and bioactive compounds that have the potential to preserve cell health and act to prevent the formation of abnormal cells such as cancer. Thymoquinone (TQ) is a bioactive compound that has the most important function in reducing the risk of tumors and abnormal cancer cells.