Dehydration is a condition that occurs in the human body due to a lack of necessary water. This condition causes the balance of sugar and salt in the body to be disturbed, and it cannot function normally. If the individual does not replace the water that has been lost from his body, then he will become dehydrated.
Symptoms of Dehydration
This dehydration problem is dangerous and can happen to anyone. Among the symptoms of dehydration that occur in adults are:
1. Thirsty
2. Dizziness and Headache
3. Urinary incontinence and dark yellow urine
4. Chapped lips and dry mouth
5. Constipation
Causes of Dehydration
The human body will always lose water from sweat as well as urine, a condition caused by the loss of a lot of water from the body will cause dehydration problems to occur. Various causes have been identified which have been the cause of dehydration problems.

If an individual suffers from a fever, they will be more likely to suffer from dehydration than others. This is because a high body temperature will cause sweat to evaporate more easily
Hot weather
Hot weather can be a cause of dehydration, especially for those who work in hot places and produce a lot of sweat. High weather temperatures cause a person to sweat excessively and it leads to the problem of lack of water in the body.
The main thing in diagnosing a dehydration problem is that the fluid that enters should be the same as the fluid that comes out. If you experience symptoms of dehydration, drink plenty of fluids such as plain water or fruit juices that can have a greater effect. In addition, the individual is also advised to consume foods high in water content such as fruits, soups, vegetables, and other substitute fluids that may contain electrolytes that can help with dehydration.
If the individual is severely dehydrated to the point of losing the ability to drink by mouth, intravenous fluids can be used depending on the evaluation of a professional physician. Intravenous fluid administration is a quick and effective way to restore the body’s fluid and mineral levels to normal levels.