Insomnia and How to Overcome

Sleep is an important thing for every human being. It is where our bodies rest after a day of work during the day. The process of repair in all organs of the body occurs while we sleep, including relaxing the muscles, improving the immune system, producing a decrease in blood pressure, and restoring mental health.

Every adult needs enough sleep for seven to eight hours a day, while children need more sleep. Lately, sleep deprivation and insomnia are common in adults and have caused a variety of serious illnesses. Insomnia is a condition that causes a person to have difficulty sleeping or not be able to sleep well. Individuals who suffer from insomnia should be treated by knowing the causes of insomnia in themselves so that they can prevent it at an early stage. Various studies have been conducted by experts to find the cause of insomnia, in addition to giving recommendations to deal with this problem.





Insomnia often appears when an individual experiences stress in their life, such as stress at work, stress from family problems, finances, and many more that can affect their sleep at night. This stress makes the individual’s brain continue to work until night without giving the brain any space to rest. This stress can cause the individual to experience other more severe problems, such as depression, which is very concerning.


Unhealthy lifestyle

The practice of an unhealthy lifestyle is also one of the factors that contribute to the problem of insomnia that occurs for an individual. Scientists and health experts say consuming foods that contain high sugar can cause blood sugar levels to rise and make it difficult for the individual to sleep at night.

Dr. James Gangwisch, a psychiatrist at Columbia University, said the selection and intake of certain nutritional diets are important for individuals with insomnia. So, if a person wants to avoid the problem of insomnia, they need to avoid sugary foods and control their weight.




Chamomile tea

Chamomile is a type of flower that contains a soothing aroma and is dried into an herbal tea that can be taken by individuals who suffer from insomnia. Traditionally found, chamomile tea has become a remedy for quality sleep. With its antioxidant content, it can calm and soothe the body. This substance can also stimulate certain receptors in the human brain to reduce anxiety and prepare for sleep. Among other benefits, chamomile tea can also boost the body’s immune system and reduce depression and stress, which have been one of the causes of insomnia.



Chocolate is a sweetener made from the seeds of the cocoa tree that grows on the Equator. Consumption of chocolate can have a positive effect on health, including reducing stress and lowering blood pressure. Studies have found that chocolate intake can lower hormone levels that cause emotional stress and anxiety. The content of tryptophan and amino acids in chocolate can have a calming effect in situations of tension and stress. Chocolate also contains magnesium, which can help the body fight stress, fatigue, and irritability. The positive effects of this chocolate can be beneficial to individuals who suffer from various health problems, including insomnia.



Almonds are among the nuts that can cure insomnia because they contain high levels of magnesium, which is beneficial in improving sleep quality. In addition to magnesium, magnesium nuts have a rich content of nutrients such as high fiber content, protein, and tryptophan. Tryptophan is a very useful nutrient for making tense muscles relax. Almonds are suitable to take as a bedtime snack for individuals who suffer from insomnia without gaining weight.

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